Monday, June 04, 2007

C-string istället för G-string...

Efter G-stringen kommer nu C-stringen... Läs vidare på engelska:

How does it work?

C-String has a flexible internal frame that hugs and holds it to the body both securely and comfortably. Your modesty remains safely covered at all times.

At the front it looks like sexy underwear, to the rear it has a thong-style strip, and to the sides it has nothing at all!

Out and about: the C-String can be worn under all your favourite clothes: dresses, skirts, jeans.

On the beach: the C-String can be worn alone as beachwear for the perfect all-round tan. Forget the bikini the C-Kini is where it's at!

In the bedroom: the C-String is ultra-sexy lingerie!

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